Nous vous proposons de lire l’article Nice Matin du 06/06/2021 sur notre nouvelle exposition temporaire illustrant l’adage « entre les deux, mon cœur balance« .
Merci à Madame Abalain ainsi qu’à toute l’équipe du journal Nice Matin.
N’hésitez pas à cliquer sur l’image ci-dessous pour l’ouvrir en plus grand et faciliter ainsi sa lecture.

K.M. Kiefer
1 20 août 2021Hello! M deflandre!
I have been thinking of your wonderful newsletter and you too, surrounded by the charm of wonderful Postcards! It seems a long time since i had news of the museum, i thought perhaps by accident i was taken off the list!
So now i am relieved it is not so!
I wish some day i would be able come to Antibes i would visit you right away, it is sure!
In the meantime i will enjoy your newsletter and send my friends to visit!
I wish you all good things and much happiness!